You will need to backslash these characters whenever you want to use them literally. The characters that are given special meaning within a regular expression, are. Regular expression syntax includes the use of special characters (do not confuse with the HTML special characters). Note: The PHP preg_match() function stops searching after it finds the first match, whereas the preg_match_all() function continues searching until the end of the string and find all possible matches instead of stopping at the first match. Let's begin with a brief overview of the commonly used PHP's built-in pattern-matching functions before delving deep into the world of regular expressions. Why Perl style regular expressions? Because Perl ( Practical Extraction and Report Language) was the first mainstream programming language that provided integrated support for regular expressions and it is well known for its strong support of regular expressions and its extraordinary text processing and manipulation capabilities. PHP (version 5.3 and above) supports Perl style regular expressions via its preg_ family of functions. entered by the user was correct or not, find or replace matching string within text content, and so on. For example, it can be used to verify whether the format of data i.e. Regular expressions are one of the most powerful tools available today for effective and efficient text processing and manipulations. Regular Expressions, commonly known as " regex" or " RegExp", are a specially formatted text strings used to find patterns in text.
In this tutorial you will learn how regular expressions work, as well as how to use them to perform pattern matching in an efficient way in PHP.