The game has a ludicrous number of mods that do everything from disabling gripping, adding enormous swords (which, in their current iteration, are so heavy they just break your hand off at the start of the match), and even turning Tori and Uke into cars. Players receive points for damaging each other, and a player wins when the time runs out and they have the highest score or when any part of their opponent besides their hands or feet touches the ground. They are given a limited amount of time in which to simultaneously determine their moves before they are played out. The game also features a multiplayer mode where one person takes control of Uke and another of Tori. The best part is, if you strike one of Uke's body parts with sufficient force, it breaks off, spraying copious amounts of blood all over the place. Since you can move Tori's body any way you want, there's no limit to the kinds moves you can make him do. There's the neck, pectorals, shoulders, elbows, wrists, chest/waist, lumbar, abdomen, hips, glutes, knees and ankles.

You have a fairly basic set of muscles to control, and each muscle can be set to extend (move out), contract (move in), hold (remain rigid), or relax (remain loose). Every ten frames, time stops for you to adjust Tori's movements. First, you select the muscles to move, then press space and (with the default settings) ten frames of time pass. Instead, you carry out Tori's movements step-by-step. Instead of having basic commands to move around, punch, kick and such, you have to control the actual muscles and joints of Tori's body! The idea is to control Tori and make him attack Uke, but here's where the tricky part comes in. When you start a match, two mannequin-like figures (Tori, the attacker, and Uke, the defender) are placed facing each other. Toribash is a physics-based Fighting Game, from Swedish developer Hampus Söderström (also known as "Hampa").